To truly respect the xfiles, it seems only fair to remember and then, hopefully, promptly forget the bumps it faced on the way to greatness. The x files is an american science fictionsupernatural television series that originally aired on the fox network for 9 seasons from september 10, 1993, to may 19, 2002. Season 1 of the xfiles represents, in many ways, the show finding its confident footing but without a doubt one of the best episodes of the freshman season is the explosive finale. The series centers on fbi special agents fox mulder david duchovny and dana scully gillian anderson, who work on cases linked to the paranormal, called xfiles. Wake up your inner 90s child, and let them know they wont being going to sleep tonight, because the truth is out there, and it is freaking terrifying. Thirteen years after the original series run, the next mindbending chapter of the xfiles is a thrilling, sixepisode event series from creatorexecutive producer chris carter, with stars david duchovny and gillian anderson reinhabiting their roles as iconic fbi agents fox mulder and dana scully. The season continues to follow the cases of fbi special agents fox mulder and dana scully, portrayed by david duchovny and gillian anderson respectively, who investigate. Blatantly hilarious is mulder and scullys posing as. The xfiles tv show season 10 episodes list next episode. The third season of the american science fiction television series the xfiles commenced airing on fox in the united states on september 22, 1995, concluded on the same channel on may 17, 1996, and contained 24 episodes. But since then we got two more modern seasons of the x files, and we just had to. Xfiles is a generally wellreceived series, but imdb gave some rather unfavorable ratings to these 10 episodes.
In the early 90s, the xfiles was a cultural happening, right up there with pogs and the bartman. The xfiles is one of the most important, influential drama series ever made, but its often written off as just another sciencefiction series that had an overly complicated mythology and fell apart toward the end of its run. On september 10, 1993, the world of science fiction expanded in an allnew way when the xfiles debuted its premiere episode. Top 10 xfiles mythology episodes we minored in film. This is the list of the top 10 standalone episodes. Top 10 xfiles standalone episodes we minored in film. Sep 11, 2018 on september 10, 1993, the world of science fiction expanded in an allnew way when the x files debuted its premiere episode. To successfully compose an objective top 15 episodes list of a cult show as great as the x files is virtually impossible. May 20, 2019 so, without further ado i present to you the 10 greatest x files episodes of all time, starting with. Season 10 sep 30, 2019 although enjoyable and definitely worth a watch for xfiles fans, a 6episode season wasnt enough to fit both myths and monster episodes.
Jun 21, 2018 the x files celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, which means 25 years of alien invasion subplots, horrifying monsters of the week, and a lot of mulderscully sexual tension. Theres a debate amongst xfiles fans of as to which episodes most warrant rewatching. So, without further ado i present to you the 10 greatest xfiles episodes of all time, starting with. But, with agents mulder and scully returning to tv for. Jan 23, 2016 since several hundred actors made guest appearances during the x files nineseason run, coming up with a top ten list was a daunting task. Here are the 20 scariest creatures the series inflicted on us.
The xfiles may have been a show about aliens, but it was the oneoff monsters and mutants that left the most lasting impression. In this list, i try to give you 15 of the best episodes to ever air. Mar 28, 2015 read more monsters, mythology and the smoking man. Xfiles 25th anniversary best episodes hollywood reporter. Traditionally, those who proclaim the superiority of. The x files might have spent a lot of time telling scary or unsettling stories but it also took the time to produce some truly funny episodes as well. Some fans of the xfiles love the mythology episodes about mulder david duchovny and scully gillian anderson pursuing. Its blend of classic scifi themes and more sophisticated storytelling. As the 11th season of the x files approaches, we look back at 10 of the shows best episodes.
The x files may have been a show about aliens, but it was the oneoff monsters and mutants that left the most lasting impression. The xfiles reboot or tenth season, if you will has come and gone and the reception was decidedly mixed. Xfiles returning to fox for 6 episodes for more on the xfiles, pick up this weeks issue of entertainment weekly, on stands now. With well over two hundred episodes, the x files has had plenty of both monster of the week and mythology episodes that have entertained over two decades of viewers, including myself. The xfiles celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, which means 25 years of alien invasion subplots, horrifying monstersoftheweek, and a lot of mulderscully sexual tension. Squeeze was the first episode of the xfiles that i even watched i know, i know, i missed the first couple. The series centers on fbi special agents fox mulder david duchovny and dana scully gillian anderson, who work on cases linked to the paranormal, called x files. Irresistible is one of the few xfiles episodes to have no paranormal element to it. Oct 17, 20 arguably the greatest of the xfiles many mythology episodes, 731 is a highoctane mix of action and intrigue, with the production values and pacing of a hollywood blockbuster indeed, director. The top 10 best episodes of the xfiles the nerd stash.
As the xfiles celebrates its 25th anniversary today, here. The xfiles is an american science fictionsupernatural television series that originally aired on the fox network for 9 seasons from september 10, 1993, to may 19, 2002. Remember when the xfiles did a really silly virtual reality episode. Squeeze was the first episode of the x files that i even watched i know, i know, i missed the first couple. In the spirit of halloween ive decided to sell you on my favorite tv show of all time. Twentyfive years later, the series has 11 seasons the. If it werent for twin peaks, the series would have been the original example of this type of show. The episode instead focuses on serial killer donnie pfaster, a. Since several hundred actors made guest appearances during the xfiles nineseason run, coming up with a top ten list was a daunting task. Such a nonthreatening name for such a threatening villain. Advertisement the xfiles is one of the most important, influential drama series ever made, but its often written off as just another sciencefiction series that had an overly complicated mythology and fell apart toward the end of its run. Just the very fact that so many of such lists exist in the internet, and they all have different episodes in their top 15 or top 10 is a testament to how many great episodes the show has given us.
It introduced the characters of mulder and scully and thrust us into its 90sparanoia dialed up to 11 at the same time. The x files reboot or tenth season, if you will has come and gone and the reception was decidedly mixed. The following episodes are filled with the whit, charm and the banter that made me fall. It hit at a perfect moment, spawning catchphrases and racy fan fiction that helped shape the early days of the internet. Mulder and scully investigate government evidence that might be tied into a cover up dealing with alien dna. Shocking and sick in equal measure, one of the reasons why the xfiles should have eased a bit on all the ufo stuff and gone a bit more all out horror, we would have ended up with a few more classics like this episode. The 10 mostwatched episodes of the x files in the united states, according to nielsen ratings. Drews top 10 funny episodes of the xfiles drew chial. These are not meant to be the 10 best episodes, but rather the 10 most representative episodes. Head here for the list of top 10 mythology episodes. Weve chosen what we feel are the 10 best xfiles episodes to watch when youd like a few laughs to accompany your search for the truth 10 arcadia there are two levels of humor in this episode. Its become a wellworn truism that the monsteroftheweek motw episodes were better than the conspiracy episodes. If mulder himself had a favorite episode of the x files i think it would be this one. Ask any real xfiles fan for their top 5 best episodes and bad blood will be on all the lists.
When a man with information about an alien invasion is killed on the white house lawn, mulder conducts his own investigation to find further evidence of colonization. Twentyfive years later, the series has 11 seasons the latest wrapped in march and two feature films in the. Running for nine seasons and just over 200 episodes from 19932002, the xfiles is arguably one of the most important and influential tv showsnot just of the 90sbut of all time. David duchovny, gillian anderson, robert patrick, mitch pileggi. When we first created this list based on the original run of the show, it was a top 10. Its not the greatest episode of all time, but it sets up the series premise perfectly, and is a great introduction to the characters. Like a list of the 10 greatest rock songs of all time or the 10 best kebab shops in islington, a list of the 10 best xfiles monsters is a subjective thing based on taste and memories and how much change happens to be in your pocket so while we must tip the hat to yesbutnobutyes and their 10 greatest xfiles monsters, we must respectfully disagree with several of their choices and. The xfiles mythology episodes are great, sure, but forget about that for a bit because the shows standalone entries, best summarized. Mar 12, 2019 the x files had an awardwinning run of 11 seasons and over 200 episodes, but which of mulder and scullys adventures is the best.
But since then we got two more modern seasons of the xfiles, and we just had to. Season 10 guide for the xfiles tv series see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. As the xfiles celebrates its 25th anniversary today, here are the episodes youll want to see. Head here for the list of the top 10 standalone episodes. The 10 creepiest xfiles episodes so far by will salmon 27 july 2015.
Dec 20, 2015 this is the list of the top 10 mythology episodes. With the 25th anniversary of the premiere of the xfiles upon us, alyse wax has ranked the shows 25 best episodes. Apr 07, 2015 ask any real xfiles fan for their top 5 best episodes and bad blood will be on all the lists. Aug 10, 2019 10 worst xfiles episodes, according to imdb. The x files top 20 episodes by xecutionrecords created 15 jul 2011 updated 15 jul 2011 public after rewatching all 9 seasons of the best post twin peaks television series, it was time to compile my favourite 20 episodes. Running for slightly more than 200 episodes over nine seasons. Some fans of the xfiles love the mythology episodes about mulder david duchovny and. There are more lighter episodes of the xfiles than you might realize, as they became more common in the later years of the program. Flukey, did return for season 10 of the x files comic, a series that was originally going to be canon until the show itself made a return. Arguably the greatest of the xfiles many mythology episodes, 731 is a highoctane mix of action and intrigue, with the production values and pacing of a. With 202 episodes not to mention two movies, the original run of the xfiles has an episode to suit.
To be fair, so was the xfiles, merely a few episodes into its inaugural season. Jul 27, 2015 the 10 creepiest xfiles episodes so far by will salmon 27 july 2015. It is, hands down, the funniest episode of the entire series. Oct, 2009 there are more lighter episodes of the xfiles than you might realize, as they became more common in the later years of the program. The third season of the american science fiction television series the xfiles commenced airing on fox in the united states on september 22, 1995, concluded on the. Weve chosen what we feel are the 10 best xfiles episodes to watch when youd like a few laughs to accompany your search for the truth.
The tenth season of the american science fiction television series the x files commenced airing in the united states on january 24, 2016, on. Just the very fact that so many of those lists exist on the internet, and they all have different episodes in their top 15, or top 10, is a testament to how many great episodes the show has given us. As the 11th season of the xfiles approaches, we look back at 10 of the shows best episodes. Thirteen years after the original series run, the next chapter of the xfiles is a sixepisode event series. Mulder, an fbi profiler, is a believer in the paranormal. The very first episode of the xfiles is one of its best. Refine see titles to watch instantly, titles you havent rated, etc instant watch options. The first episode of the x files is one of the greatest pilots of any show. Jan 21, 2016 running for nine seasons and just over 200 episodes from 19932002, the xfiles is arguably one of the most important and influential tv showsnot just of the 90sbut of all time. Dec 20, 2015 in anticipation of the xfiles new season, were looking back and celebrating our favorite episodes.
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